Wednesday, November 13, 2019


In this assignment, I tried to choose a landscape that would make me a doll and also provide me with a landscape that matched my desired theme. From the photo of myself that I chose, I decided a 90s era doll house would be a cool option to place myself into. I wanted it to feel nostalgic and look as if I was as someone in that time would be. I used a few filters to make the blend more homogenous and realistic. I really liked this assignment and I think it allowed me to improve my masking skills significantly. I like the style of the result and I think the color match turned out really well. It ended up looking a lot more realistic than I thought it would. I thought this was definitely one of my favorites because I was really able to bring my design to life.


  1. Great way of capturing the life of a doll. Enjoyed the choice of a dollhouse to compliment yourself as a doll. I love the 90's vibe with captivating details. This project was executed very well.

    Raven K.

  2. I loved this piece so much! After seeing it in class I wanted to pullout the old Brittany Spears CD’s that I keep in my car and just have a throwback 90’s jam session. The outfit that you’re wearing in the photo and the pose really sell the vibes in my opinion and I’m really impressed with the way it turned out!

  3. This was my favorite of your pieces! Such a great way of connecting your body into the doll house so well. Really made it look realistic from the coloring, to the sizing and positioning of the body inside the door.
